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Something as small as a grain of sand in the carburetor can cause the best engine to not start, which is why we offer carburetor cleaning service using ultrasounds.


To do this, the carburetor is completely disassembled and by means of ultrasonic washing, a deep cleaning is ensured in all its components, even in the most inaccessible corners.





Ultrasonic cleaning is the most effective method to wash any type of part, not only carburettors, even though in these, due to their complex shapes and small and inaccessible passages, ultrasonic cleaning is very effective.


This cleaning method works by means of high frequency waves produced in the liquid in which the parts are immersed. These cause bubbles to rise and later implode, this effect is known as cavitation.


Cavitation breaks the surface tension forces and the "grip" of all the particles lodged in the surface of the submerged parts. This process guarantees the elimination of the dirt lodged in the pieces, even in places with difficult access. Every trace of dirt is detached and is dissolved in the fluid.

We perform the ultrasonic cleaning service for all kinds of parts and components at very attractive prices, get in touch with us!

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